Getting Started with Wishlist.Land

Hello there! Ready to get started with Wishlist.Land? Great! Here’s a handy guide to make sure you’re getting the most out of the website.

Checking Out the Homepage:

  1. Click on “Learn More” on the homepage to get a clear, easy-to-understand explanation of what Wishlist.Land is all about!

Making Your Wishlist:

  1. Just paste a link from your favorite online store into the ‘Product URL’ field on the homepage and hit “Start Wishlist”. Your wishlist will be created just like that!
  2. Try adding 10 different product links from various stores to your wishlist and see it all come together.

Claim Your Wishlist:

  1. Click “Claim Wishlist” to make sure no one else can edit your wishlist.
  2. Not logged in? No worries! You’ll be prompted to log in or register.

Manage All Your Wishlists:

  1. Go to the “My Wishlists” page to see all your wishlists listed neatly in one place. You can click on a wishlist to view your wishlist.

Editing Your Wishlist:

  1. You can easily change the title, product name, description, and notes. You can even add an image for each product on your wishlist.

Share Your Wishlist:

  1. Share it to family and friends via social, email, or direct link.
  2. Your family and friends have the ability to mark items as purchased to avoid duplicate gifting.

Clicking on Wishlist Items:

  1. Simply click on a product and it will open up in a new tab.

Need Help?

  1. Talk to the chatbot! It’s here to help you with using the app and assisting with gift giving or receiving.

Extra tips:

  • Test the app on different devices (like your phone and computer) and browsers to make sure it works smoothly everywhere.
  • Encounter any issues or something doesn’t look right? Report it right away to make sure it gets fixed.

Enjoy creating and sharing your wishlists with Wishlist.Land!